Top View
The original Byzantine folio on the right (vat. gr. 1162, 1v) juxtaposed later with a Latin chant of St. Nicholas
The original miniature of the Pink Church and its 3D Modelling
The zigzag Radiant Frieze and peacock reliefs
Volumetric reconstruction of the miniature space
Interpolated left façade
Interpolated right façade
Celestial Waves - Top View
The Ecclesiastic Digital Transition
Constructing the Divine Light
The Radiant Frieze
Heavenly roofs of blue waves
The Projection Process and the calculation of depth
3D Reconstruction System
3D Modelling and the Projection Process in Rhino
Import to Cinema 4D for animation
Nurbs Model of the Pink Church
Projection of the miniature to 3D volumes
Under the main dome
Containing the elixir of immortality, it shows to whoever looks in it
the destiny of all there is in the universe.
Alexander the Great and Suleyman the Magnificent have drunken from it.
Tap the Cup to hop on a journey from the heavenly stars to the intesimal particles.
You can use the control bar on the right
to define the color range of pixels to display.
You can also use the Timeline mode to fly among the pixels.